Zelda A Link Between Two Worlds - A Review

The Legend of Zelda, A Link Between Two Worlds
a review from 24BitGamer
Retro heads rejoice!

This is a incredible game with a ton of throw backs to past zelda games. You start in the same house you did in link to the past, except there is a majors mask on the wall.....nice. On with the tecno jargon... 

"One of the new "Link Powers" (almost like Paper Mario),  it adds a new dimension to
the classic Zelda puzzle solving" - Nintendo.com

The 3d effect is better then I have seen on any 3ds game as of yet. mainly because of a 60 frames per second that no other 3ds title has done before, The controls are as tight as one could ask. the music (also a throw back) has been redone to perfection, and the colors are rich and vibrant. 

Many retro gamers will recognize the throwback to Zelda A Link to the Past

The story picks up 200-300 years after the events of Link to the Past (keep in mind that this is much of a sequel as any of the other Zelda games are) and sport's a new villain, Yuga! He has come to try and put together the pieces of the broken triforce in order to bring back the evil Gannon from the first game, its your job to stop him before he does that and save the princess from her grim fate. This is a must have for any 3ds owner. If you don't have a 3ds this is a good reason to purchase one. 

score: 9.5/10
The 24BitGamer is one of the Head Coordinators for RGCW, He's an avid video gamer / collector / reviewer. Stay tuned for more from The 24BitGamer. More coming soon!


  1. Yes! Lester and I melted when we heard about this! Lester is playing it right now as I am typing this message! Great Game!

  2. I hope you are enjoying as much as me


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