
Showing posts from November, 2013

RGCWinnipeg's Official Planning Committee Meet

Special thanks to the new official RGCWinnipeg Planning Committee for an awesome first planning meeting. We have a great group, the chemistry was awesome and we're excited for all the up coming announcements for our first event April 5 2014 for charity. This first event is a great way to build our community, spread the word and do some good for the great city of Winnipeg. I bet Smitty's Restaurants never heard conversations like the ones we had tonight! Retro Fans Unite - Some of Retro Games most passionate fans meet to plan RGCW's first event for charity. Stay tuned for more announcements from RGCW's Planning Committee - Follow us on Facebook

Zelda A Link Between Two Worlds - A Review

The Legend of Zelda, A Link Between Two Worlds a review from 24BitGamer Retro heads rejoice! This is a incredible game with a ton of throw backs to past zelda games. You start in the same house you did in link to the past, except there is a majors mask on the wall.....nice. On with the tecno jargon... 

Our First Event - Mark Your Calendars!

We're proud to announce, resulting form a lot of hard work and more hard work to come, our first charity event!!!! The venue and date are booked! April 5 2014 - 11am-9pm. Be there for an awesome and affordable day when "Retro Hearts Winnipeg". We've already secured vendors, sponsors and more! We'll have an open gaming lounge and even tournaments for great prizes! Stay tuned to RGCW while we make more announcements for our first charity event! Join us and make a difference in Winnipeg! What would you like to see? Let us know on facebook and twitter ! Email us at -Nate (admin)

#RGCWContests Ending Soon!

Your chance to enter our November Contests! Just for following us on Facebook and helping us grow (by sharing the contests posts) you've entered to win! Please note some contests are locals only, please read the details on all our contests! Our latest Facebook Page reminder! RGCWinnipeg's November Contests PNP's RETRON3 and Super Mario World Package Mario Kart Wii Prize    Metal Gear Solid HD for PS3 Prize   Retro Duo Portable Prize All you have to do is make sure you like us on Facebook and Share the original contests posts to enter! There are other ways to enter (including liking the original contest posts, commenting on the original posts and more! Read the descriptions on each contests posts). Thank You for supporting RGCWinnipeg!       CONTEST CLOSE DATE: NOV 29 2013 12:01am

ChipDamage and RGCW - A Marvellous Team Up in the Making

I recently had a great meeting with the Chip Damage group , Winnipeg's Fighting Game Scene peeps. They're known for hosting awesome Fighting Game tournaments and housing some of the best competitive gamers in the city. We had a great talk about them hosting a tournament at our first event in 2014! I got some valuable advice and made a great connection. Despite our talks constantly going off topic, it was very productive! Thanks to Karel and Taylor from Chip Damage! Make sure to check out their Facebook page and follow them on twitter! -Nate (admin) READ MORE OF THE MEETING BY CLICKING HERE! Stay tuned for more from Chip Damage and RGCWinnipeg!

PNP Sponsored RGCWinnipeg Contest #4 - Retron3 Package

For RGCWinnipeg Locals Only As part of PNPGame's support for our online campaign, they've donated a BRAND NEW Retron3 and Super Mario World for the Super Nintendo. The combined Retail Price on this is approx $100.00. This follows the same easy, basic concept of our other contests. Read on for more ways to enter and win! Make sure you visit the original facebook post to enter. This was donated with the intent for a local winner. Sorry, this contest is only available for local pickup For those who don't know, the RetroN 3 is made by Hyperkin . It plays the most popular 16Bit consoles: Super Nintendo, Nintendo and Sega Genesis. It also plays the lesser known Super Famicom (import version of Super Nintendo) and Mega Drive (import version of Sega Genesis). A step up from previous version, the RetroN3 comes with 2 wireless controllers and is also compatible with Super Nintendo, Nintendo and Sega Genesis stock controllers. You can read more here. What I have to ...

November Awareness Contest 3 - Mario Kart for WIi

Donated on behalf of my alter ego "Thriftdweller" on YouTube, you could enter to win a copy of Mario Kart for the Wii. Complete contest rules (click here),  you have to like the original contest post for this contest to enter! Click here for the facebook page

Our First Official Sponsor - PNP Games.

Our new Facebook cover with PNP Games added PNP Games is Winnipeg's largest retail store for retro video games. I recently had a meeting with PNP Games explaining our whole concept, ideas, goals and plans (if anyone is interested in what those are, you're invited to our next RGCWinnipeg planning dinner Click Here for the details ). Not only did I gain some valuable advice, but I received their support in growing our online following and in the future, for our first charity event. Stay tuned for more from PNP including prizes and announcements. Our Faceboo k "Thank You" ad.  Any other interested sponsors are encouraged to contact us at

Our Master Plan

Planning is key to success To grow our group and reach our goals, we're following the same map that other conventions that got them to success. It's a 3 step plan that is progressive and prevents us from going too big to fast (which has stifled other groups in the past). Step 1) Build the Community I started a few social network sites, including this blog, a forum and an official Facebook page. I plan on slowly growing the community to build a solid fan base. I plan on partnering with existing Facebook group Winnipeg Retro Games Buy and Sell and other potential sponsors to help us grow. CURRENT STATUS: It's going well!  Step 2) Retro Gamers Convention Winnipeg "Meets" In the near future, we'ld love to have a gathering of fans to meet! Imagine one day mini-conventions in support of local charities. We would rent out a local facility and attract people to come by being able to buy and sell their items, attract vendors, hold tournaments,...

Contest #2 - Metal Gear Solid HD Collection

November Awareness Campaign Contests #2  Metal Gear Solid HD Collection for PS3 Click here for the "Contest Rules" page As part of our on going promotion for the month of November, we've lined up some awesome prizes to encourage people and grow our online following on Facebook. For contest #2 we're giving away a PS3 copy of Metal Gear Solid HD Collection. This is an awesome 3 in 1, HD Remake of some of the best games from the Metal Gear Solid Series. Suiting the whole "retro" theme, the Metal Gear franchise started all the way back in 1987, the brain child of video game creation Hideo Kojiima . This contest will be going live Sunday, November 10 2013 approx 10:00am Find a complete set of rules for this contest after the jump ( or just click here ).

Sonic and Mario at the Winter Olympics

This season we thought we should theme our blog around this classic cross over we thought would never happen! Mario and sonic at the Winter Olympics came out in 2010 (from Vancouver! Go Canada!) for the Nintendo Wii and featured franchise staples such as Sonic, Mario, Knuckles and even Bowser going head to head in events such as Hockey and Skiing. If you grew up in the 90's, I bet you would have never seen this day coming! Join us as we celebrate this iconic meeting of two rivals! READ MORE after the jump


Contest Start Date: Nov 7 2013 As part of our Awareness November Campaign, Retro Gamers Convention Winnipeg (RGCWinnipeg) on Facebook  will be giving away a FREE RETRO DUO Portable. This is the official rules page, so read on! There's more ways to get extra ballots in to win! Stay tuned for MORE contests! (CLICK HERE TO VISIT THE OFFICIAL CONTEST POST) click here  for more info on the retro duo portable! READ MORE FOR THE OFFICIAL RULES!

Follow us on Twitter!

We're officially launching our Twitter account Nov 7 2013. Keep up with the latest contests, news and status from RGCWinnipeg! Follow us on Twitter

Join the Conversation

We are currently on Part 1 on the way to hosting Winnipeg's FIRST retro video game convention, which is starting and building our online presence and following. Thank you for joining our cause! In the mean time, feel free to join the conversation and chat with other retro video game fans and enthusiasts! We're all friendly! C'mon, everyones' doing it! (CLICK HERE) Coming Soon PART 2 Retro Game Fans Unite Our first retro game meet  |  2014